Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery)

Dr. Jedeikin performs his Blepharoplasty procedures at Alchimia Clinic Cape Town. It is a relatively simple surgical procedure for rejuvenating the eyes. This is done by removing excess skin from both the upper and lower eyelids and fatty tissue from the lower lids. Eyelid Surgery is performed for both cosmetic or functional reasons. It must be understood that most of the wrinkles around the eyes are etched into the skin and cannot be removed by this procedure. A laser resurfacing may be done if the patient would like to decrease wrinkles.


This corrects drooping upper eyelids and puffy bags below the eyes by removing excess fat, skin and muscle.

Duration of procedure:

Approximately two hours.


Usually local with sedation, occasionally general.

In/Out patient:

Usually out-patient.


Temporary discomfort, tightness of lids, swelling, bruising. Temporary dryness, burning, itching of eyes. Excessive tearing, sensitivity to light for the first few weeks.


Reading: 2 – 3 days. Back to work: 5 – 10 days.


General rejuvenation of the face and one looks less fatigued.

Before/After Images:

Due to new regulations,I have had to temporarily remove the sample pictures.

The following questions are often asked about blepharoplasty.

Will I have to go to hospital?

You will be admitted to hospital as a day case and may go home after the procedure. However, you will not be allowed to drive so should make arrangements for someone to fetch you.

Blepharoplasty can be performed under either general or local anaesthetic although most patients prefer local anaesthetic with intra-venous sedation.

Will I have scars?

The incision on the upper eyelid is made within the eyelid fold so the final scar rests within this natural crease. On the lower eyelid the incision and therefore the final scar are situated just below the eyelashes and extend into the crow’s feet. Initially the scars are red but will fade within seven to 14 days although the extension to the crow’s feet remains visible for longer, disappearing in time. Tissue oil should be massaged into the scars ten days after the operation to improve their appearance and accelerate their maturation.

What care is necessary after the operation?

You should plan to be off work for seven to 10 days. Although you will be bruised and swollen after the operation you will have minimal pain. You should sleep propped up in a sitting position with two to three pillows for the first two nights. The best treatment for the bruising is the application of ice packs and you may take anti-inflammatories and medication for pain if necessary.

The incisions may ooze slightly and can be dabbed lightly with cotton-wool buds. The prescribed ointments should be applied to the incision lines three times a day.

I will check you after 48 hours and replace dressings if necessary. You should not remove these yourself as you might loosen the stitches. These will be removed five days after the operation.

Should you have any further questions, I would be happy to answer them.