General Info

There are various occurrences which are common to all plastic surgery procedures. The understanding of the formation of scar tissue is an integral part of dealing with such surgery.

Surgical procedures require incisions to be made. At all times these incisions are very carefully placed within the normal skin creases. This obviously results in discreetly hidden scars whether it be for a face lift (scar hidden in front and behind ear) or breast surgery (scars hidden in fold of breast). It is however a natural phenomenon for any scar to take time to mature, i.e. flatten and pale in colour. The time it takes for such a process to occur varies depending on the procedure undertaken and the individual’s tendency to heal. There are certain factors of which a prospective patient ought to take cognisance

  • Smoking delays healing time and can result in unsightly scar formation.
  • Post-operative scar treatment is an integral part of the procedure and includes taping with Micropore@ and tissue oil massage.

The role of beauty therapists is most important in pre-and post-operative care for certain procedures.

There are many other important aspects regarding surgery which are not included in the scope of this introduction.Dr. Jedeikin will cover all that is necessary in his initial and pre-operative consultation.


Smoking interferes with healing and MUST be stopped COMPLETELY for 3 weeks preoperatively. Should you wish, you may restart 1 week postoperatively. Smoking affects healing by decreasing the amount of blood flow to the operated area. Blood supply to this area is essential for complete healing and if decreased, as happens with smoking, healing problems will result. Please take heed as this is most important.

The Anesthetic

In South Africa a registered medical doctor who is a Specialist Anesthesiologist may only administer an anesthetic. A Specialist Anesthesiologist first completes the basic medical degree which qualifies them as a General Practitioner. After this they complete a further 4 years supervised anesthetic training following which a specialist exam is written.

Medical History

Any medical problems, allergies and all medications that you are taking should be notified on your medical history form for the surgeon. This gives the Anesthesiologist time to plan and avoid any unnecessary delays.


You should not take any food or drink for 6-9 hours prior to surgery to decrease the risk of vomiting and other complications that might arise.

Medication & Medical Problems

Routine Oral medication should be taken with a small volume of water up to 2 hours prior to surgery. Please discuss any medication that you are unsure of prior to traveling. Diabetics and Asthmatic patients to discuss the management of their medical problem with the Anesthesiologist prior to surgery. Please do not take any of the following 3 weeks prior to surgery. Aspirin containing products e.g. Disprin, Anti Inflammatories, Arnica, Herbal supplements, A and E prior to surgery.

Pre Operative Consultation

Please ensure that you have completed the consent form with full details of medical status. Before you are taken into surgery the Specialist Anesthesiologist will visit you in the ward for a full detailed consultation. Please relate any adverse reactions to previous anesthetics suffered by you or your family. After your physical medical evaluation neither you nor the surgeon are obligated to proceed with the surgery. It is therefore very important to submit medical reports (if you have any medical condition) from your Physicians prior to your arrival in South Africa. These will be assessed by the Physician and surgeon in South Africa.

Post Operative

The Anesthesiologist will ensure that you are awake and in a stable condition before discharging you to the ward where you will be given something to eat and drink.
If after your surgery you experience any excessive pain or nausea do not hesitate to tell the nurse on duty. They will administer the medication prescribed by the anaesthesiologist.

Once fully awake , you will be seated in a wheel chair and taken to your waiting transport.

Those of you going to the ‘step -down facility i.e. the medical BnB (Sutton Place) will be transported directly there by our arranged transport.

Overseas Patients

In order to reduce the risk of Thromboembolic Complication (Deep Vein Thrombosis “DVT”) when flying we would like you to purchase and use Anti-Embolism Stockings for the duration of your flight to South Africa, during and after surgery. We also advise you to walk around as often as possible during your flight to keep your blood circulation going. Drink lots of water and not alcohol as this dehydrates your system. www.elitemedical.com in USA or www.laboratoripiazza.it
Patients flying very long distance e.g. from Australia or UK should contact their GP requesting antithrombotic injection (Clexane) or tablet (Xarelto) to be given pre-flight.

Photographic Requirements

In order for Dr. Jedeikin to make a thorough assessment, he requires good quality photographs to be emailed to him. Please read the following photographic requirements carefully.

Full description of how to take the photographs will be explained to you.

Photographs should be e-mailed to drlj@plasticsurgerysa.co.za.

Please put your name in the subject line.

Please read the following photographic requirements carefully

Photographic Requirements