Gynaecomastia (Male Breast Reduction)
Surgical removal of excess breast/fat tissue from male breast by liposuction &/or surgical excision.
Duration of procedure:
1.5-3 hours
Local anaesthesia with intravenous sedation or General anaesthetic in larger cases.
Discharged home on same day or admitted to medical B&B for 1-2 nights depending on procedure.Back to work in 5 days.Gentle exercise in 10 days Normal exercise in 4-6 weeks
Improved definition of chest with flattening and contouring leaving one with a natural appearing torso.
The commonest cause is “idiopathic” meaning that there is actually no known predisposing conditions or circumstances causing the growth of the breasts. Idiopathic gynaecomastia (commonest ) can be unilateral ( one sided) or affect both breasts, either symmetrically or assymetrically. Anatomically, the enlargement of the breast is due to either breast tissue hypertrophy( breast tissue growth) and /or fat deposition. Once the cause has been determined, surgical treatment can be undertaken.
Surgical Options:
- If fat deposition is the cause and the overlying skin has good elasticity , then simple liposuction can be performed through a few small incisions ( approx. 5-7 mm)The skin, over time, will contract, leaving a smoothly contoured and sculpted chest presenting a normal male chest appearance.
- If both , breast tissue and fat are the problem ,then a combined procedure i.e. liposculpture/suction of the fat is performed and thereafter the small area (“nubbins”) of breast tissue is excised via a precisely placed incision at the bottom edge of the areola.The final result will be one of a smooth , well sculpted and surgically corrected chest.
- Should breast tissue, fat AND skin excess be the cause of the problem (this is the least common of all three presentations ) then the corrective procedure of choice is liposuction, breast tissue excision and excision of excess skin.In such cases the scarring will be around the areola, vertically down to the breast fold, with or without and extension of the scar within the horizontal fold of the breast. In all three of the above a pressure garment is worn postoperatively for 4- 6 weeks to facilitate a smooth regular appearance to the chest wall. In 1&2 above the results are most satisfactory however method 3, which necessitates skin excision takes a little longer to settle and the scars take up to 6 months to fade and mature.