Lip Lines and Lip Enhancement
As one ages several things happen to the lips:
- Lips become thinner and lose volume.
- Loss of lip definition.
- Increased lip lines, especially smokers.
- Upper lip tends to lengthen.
- Upper lip “cupids bow” loses its shape and definition.
- The “white roll” which is the roll like structure at the junction of the outer lip skin and the inner pink lip skin loses shape and definition.
So, in short, if the surgeon is able to correct / improve the six factors above , then the final result will be one of an aesthetically rejuvenated and well proportioned mouth and lip appearance.
The use of fillers can also enhance lips in younger patients resulting in slightly fuller lips with a more “pouting” look whilst ensuring that the final appearance is very natural .
The “over-filled look” is not aesthetically enhancing and a fine balance must ALWAYS be maintained.
Materials / Fillers Used:
There are several products on the market today but only a few tick all the boxes i.e. safe effective and long lasting.
Hyaluronic acid which is a normal component of skin is the main ingredient.It is in the form of a fine gel infused with a small amount of local anaesthetic.The gel products vary in viscosity, and depending on which areas need to be injected, so the appropriate product is chosen.
PerlaneRestylaneRestylane VitalJuvedermTeosyl
Pre-injection markings are drawn to ensure accuracy.
Local anaesthesia : intraoral “dental type” injections if required or application of Emlaanaesthetic cream 30 minutes prior.
Recovery is quick and application of ice-packs immediately after injection is advised.Occasional bruising can last for a couple of days but is easily covered with base make-up.All anti-inflammatories, ecotrin& aspirin containing products including Vit E should be stopped which will decrease chances of bruising.