Inverted Nipples
In most cases of inverted nipples, surgical correction is indicated. It is a simple procedure with limited downtime and good results.
Duration of procedure:
45-90 min. depending on extent of inversion.
Local anaesthesia with conservative careful intravenous sedation.
Day case surgery, patient will be discharged home 30 min after completion of procedure.
Postoperative recovery is quick with minimal pain other than slight discomfort.
Slight swelling with minimal bruising.
Patient will be able to drive day after procedure and resume normal exercise within two weeks.
Aesthetically pleasing results with satisfactory shape, height and projection of the nipples.
Both in and out of clothes, the nipples will have a normal appearance.
Inversion of the nipples can either occur primarily i.e. birth condition, whichmanifests duringdevelopment of the breasts or can be secondary to either breast-feeding or some form of pathology occurring within the breast.
Should it be the latter, the patient should not delay in seeing a breast specialist, as this could be a sign of a breast malignancy.
Breast infection can also cause nipple inversion.
More commonly, inverted nipplesare of a concern to the patient from an aesthetic point of view. Lesscommon, are the functional indications regarding hygiene maintenance of the troublesome inverted nipple.
This condition can affect males as well and can affect both or one side alone.
Severity of Inversion:
- Grade 1. In such cases, the nipple can be “pulled out” with ease and often will remain in the “out” position without self-retracting. Breast ducts are not involved making breast-feeding possible.
- Grade 2. This is the commonest of all 3 grades. The nipple can be pulled out but retracts to the inverted position quite quickly. Breast-feeding may be possible but the tight ducts and tissue below the nipple need to be operated to correct the inversion. Suction caps can be used from time to time to rectify this problem.
- Grade 3. The worst of the three types whereby the nipple is virtually permanently retracted and requires a surgical procedure to correct it. Breast-feeding is virtually not possible and post surgery;breast-feeding will not be possible.
Corrective procedures:
- Suction cups/clamps
- Surgery: various procedures available depending on severity.
Dr. Jedeikin will be able to formulate a treatment plan once he has examined and photographed you.
The procedure of choice will depend on each and every individual case scenario.